Full Sail University


这位毕业于录音艺术和娱乐商业专业的学生有六张获奖专辑, a Grammy nomination, and a flourishing church.


William McDowell's 音乐生涯充满了家庭、教堂和大量的专业荣誉. 作为奥兰多教堂的首席牧师,他每周日都带领会众做礼拜 Deeper Fellowship Church, 定期到世界各地宣传和表演他的敬拜音乐, and prioritizes his marriage and five children. 威廉的六张专辑获得了多芬奖和恒星奖, Grammy nominations, ASCAP songwriting awards, a Billboard music award nomination, and spots at the top of Billboard's gospel charts. 他还被评为公告牌十年十大福音艺术家之一. His devotion to music, coupled with his Recording Arts and Entertainment Business Full Sail的学位,帮助他获得了今天所享受的成功.

“我想说音乐让我产生了兴趣,”威廉说. 他的家人在教堂里参与音乐活动,他10岁就开始在唱诗班唱歌. 威廉在辛辛那提长大后继续参与福音音乐, then a high school friend told him about Full Sail.

William was interested, 但他决定先在另一所大学攻读四年制学位. He quickly realized that Full Sail was a better fit.

“在世界上任何地方都没有像Full Sail这样的机构, 很明显,如果你想在行业中脱颖而出,接触到最优秀的人, and also people who had a lot of experience, you had to come here," he says.

他报名参加了Full Sail的录音艺术课程,并于2000年获得了副学士学位, 然后他从Full Sail的学生变成了Full Sail的员工. 威廉在学校的招生和职业发展部工作, 但几年后,他决定投资自己的音乐梦想,并攻读娱乐商业的第二个Full Sail学位.

"There were things that were in my heart, that originally led me to Full Sail, 我知道我需要另一层装备(娱乐商业学位)来达到我想要的目标," William explains. 这个项目让他的阅读比自己做的更有深度,并为他注入了跨入专业音乐领域所需的信心.

After William graduated with his second degree, he established The Delivery Room recording studio, which hosted a few Grammy-winning projects. 他关闭了工作室,建立了更深的团契教会. 他也开始录制他的敬拜音乐,并发行了他的第一张专辑, As We Worship, in early 2009.

William was off and running after his first release. He followed it up with Arise in 2011, Withholding Nothing in 2013, Sounds of Revival in 2016, and Sounds of Revival II 2017年,所有这些歌曲都登上了公告牌福音音乐排行榜的第一名. 威廉以这种势头为基础,写了一本书,讲述了更深的团契教会的故事 It's Happening and his critically-acclaimed 2019 album, The Cry: A Live Worship Experience. 这张专辑在威廉的Billboard福音音乐首发榜上排名第一,并获得了Billboard音乐奖提名.

Saying that William stays busy is an understatement. 他每天都在做父亲、教会领袖和音乐事业之间周折. 他去过近50个国家,一年里乘坐了近190次不同的航班. 然而,最难忘的日子仍然是意想不到的.

“我在这个城市主持了一个名为‘红地毯圣诞节’的活动, 我邀请了一群福音界的一线人士," William recalls. “所以一群格莱美提名的福音人士聚在一起做这个电视活动,为喂养儿童无处不在筹集资金. 我们在试音的时候,我唱片公司的负责人打电话给我说:“祝贺你获得格莱美提名。 Withholding Nothing]'… I didn't know I was being considered, and I wasn't thinking about the Grammys at all, but that was the day I got nominated."

威廉并没有规划他的福音事业,但他的奉献得到了回报. 他说,其他有抱负的音乐家需要全力以赴,才能在音乐行业取得成功.

“如果没有承诺,这个特殊的职业是无法成功的. That's both in school and after school; you have to be one hundred percent committed… Everybody's path is different, but if you're going to pursue this, you have to be committed."